Monday, July 30, 2012

Liz Flock Rocks!

One of the first authors I met when I started publishing was Elizabeth Flock.  Lucky for me, since she is one of the coolest people I have ever had the great good fortune to know.

Is she not GORGEOUS????
Liz is huge fun, a true gamer who is up for anything, and equally excellent company at a fabulous party or at a bust of a booksigning.  We once sat together at a signing table and had a contest of who would sell the fewest books since we appeared to be invisible to everyone in the room.  I won, but only because I cheated. My mom bought a bunch of Liz's books right at the end.  We have laughed our butts off together in three different states, both geographical and metaphysical.  She is quite frankly one of my alltime favorite people.

Also? She is one helluva writer.

When Jen and I were in NYC for Book Expo, we had a great night with Liz, expanding our usual twosome to become Stennifliz.

Do. Not. Mess. With. Stennifliz.

Back in 2005, Liz's book Me & Emma hit the bestseller lists, including the coveted New York Times, and I like so many other readers was riveted by this tale of a young girl surviving against terrible odds in rural North Carolina.  I lost myself in the story of powerful sisterhood and self-reliance, and the surprise ending hit me right where I live.

Random House has re-released the book, with a snazzy new cover, and I am so glad!  Especially because the new release is for a very good reason....

The sequel to Me & Emma is coming out next week!

What Happened to My Sister picks up a few months after Me & Emma ends, and is another page-turner.  I loved returning to these characters and finally finding out "what happened next"!  What Happened to My Sister is available for pre-order now, and you know how I feel about pre-orders!

I cannot recommend this pair of books enough, they are both wonderful summer reads, and I hope you will check them out.   And when you are done, you can get all the rest of Liz's books  and have an equally wonderful time.  You're welcome.

And because Liz is the coolest, she has graciously offered to giveaway a pair of signed books to one lucky winner!  So comment below to enter and on Friday I will announce the winner of a signed copy of both Me & Emma  and What Happened to My Sister!

Yours in Good Taste,


  1. WOO! I love discovering new authors! Even if I don't win, I'm going to buy both of them, they look great!

  2. Well, if she is a friend of yours and Jen's count me in. If I don't win, I may have to check them out anyway.


  3. I loved, loved Me & Emma! It had a wonderful twist. I didn't realize that What Happened to My Sister was a sequel. I can't wait to get my hands on it!

  4. Will definitely add both to my "to-read" list.

  5. Was looking for something new after I finished rereading my haul from Hotter Than Hades Chick Lit-palooza (no air conditioning + 400 of your dearest fans ... SO FUN) ... will totally add to the list!

  6. I just put them on my "list" of must gets in case I don't win.

  7. Me and Emma is definitely on my list, I'd love to win a copy of both!

  8. Just added more to my to read list--I think I now ave so many books to read I need to quit my job so I can catch up and relax:)

  9. I am adding both of Liz's books to my read list! Any friend of Stennifer is a friend of mine!

  10. I love the recommendations!! Excited to read them both!

  11. These books just made the TOP of my have to read list. I cannot wait to see if I win! Stennifliz sounds like the most awesome trio ever,I wish I was part of that trio!

  12. Would love to read them, thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  13. Added immediately to my TBR list. Thanks for the chance.

  14. Would love to read these...especially if you and Jen like them! :)

  15. They both sound awesome and if it's Stacy Ballis and Jennifer Lancaster approved I am totally in!

  16. Both books sound fabulous! I will be reading both.

  17. Thanks for the recommendation, I love hearing about wonderful books to add to my list!

  18. Yes! Plowed through both your and Jen's new books so the opportunity to score some new material is great!

  19. I'm ready for a new read. I finished Off the Menu while I was in NYC last week. LOVED it.

  20. I HOPE I win because right now I can't afford any of the books that sound so interesting!!! Thanks so much for the chance of having them for free.

  21. I just started Me & Emma (as recommended on Jen Lancaster's blog) and I'm thrilled t know a sequel is right around the corner! xx

  22. You know I'm a sucker for any book you share, Stacey. Having read "Me & Emma" a year or so back I can hardly wait for this release and am eager to find out 'what happened next' ...

  23. These sound great.... thanks for sharing!

  24. I always love hearing about good books and would love to win these two!

  25. my business card would read...

    Katie Mae J
    "potential lunch winner" or "potential books winner"

  26. I'm heading straight to goodreads to add these books to my to-read list. Thanks for the recommendation!

  27. Thanks for the rec! I've found so many good books this summer purely from the recommendations of authors.

  28. I would love to read this, especially because I love finding new authors. Also, I think it's very fitting since my name is Emma.

  29. ohhh - was just looking to add to my reading list! :)

  30. These sound great! I love hearing about new authors!!

  31. Ooooo- pick me, pick me! I'd love to add a new name to my must read list! :)

  32. Love, Love, Love Liz Flock!!! I had the great fortune of hearing her read, in a very intimate home setting of her college roomates home, from her then new book, Me and Emma - Was hooked!! Bought all her books and have read everyone of them and can hardly wait to get my hands on this newest one!!! She is an amazing writer but more importantly she is a wonderful, loving, caring, amazing young woman!

  33. I love hearing about new authors, especially from authors I love!!!

  34. Emma & Me is on my 'books to read' list.

    Hoping I win!


  35. Ooooo, a new author, can't wait to read her books.

  36. I read Emma and Me and loved it...can't wait for the new one!

  37. Saw your recommendation and went looking for a summary on Me & Emma, but instead found a preview of What Happened to My Sister. As soon as it's available, I'm running out to get copies of both. :-)

  38. Ooooooooooooo! Another couple of books to read to help me put off classroom planning for an extra couple of days!! SQUEEE! :)

  39. Thank you for the recommendation, I just ordered both for my Kindle.

    Heather Faulk

  40. Can't wait to read them. They both sound like great books!

  41. liz is a great the facebooks friend, i loved what you had to say bout her! ( :

    peter woolery

  42. Oooooh, yes please! I love finding new authors to love.

  43. Thanks for the opportunity! JillFay

  44. Thank you for the recommendation of an Author new to me. I look forward to reading Liz Flock's books. Anita

  45. Throw my hat into the ring. I feel lucky!

  46. LOVE Liz!! Such an amazing person and writer! Me & Emma is on my favorites shelf. LOVED this blog post. Full of humor and smiles. Great post!

  47. Would love to read these! Amanda K.

  48. Love hearing about new authors. Excited to read these!

  49. Love your books! Voracious reader, have never read any of Liz's books ~ dying to do so...

  50. thanks for the suggestion! i'll add those to my list!

  51. Thank you for the recommendation! I was referred to this blog by a post on Heather Gudenkauf's Facebook page and I loved her book, "One Breath Away", so I will definitely order these two books next.

  52. I loved Emma & Me - was completely hooked from the first word and couldn't put the book down until it was done - took my breath away. Can't wait to read the sequel!

  53. I love how all of you authors support each other and your books.

  54. Ooh! I'd be lucky to win these! I need a good book to read in between the drone of my school books and working! :)

  55. Alright! Alright! You can stop now because I'm convinced :) I can't wait to read these two books! Thank you for opening my eyes to a new author and her fabulous books. You bloggers are AWESOME!!! And thank you Liz for the giveaway of two "signed" books :)

  56. I would love to win these books!

  57. I'm halfway through "Off the Menu" and absolutely love it! Dumpling has me laughing with tears rolling down my face. I would love to win these books; with your recommendation, they will be perfect for end of summer reading!

  58. I'll be adding both of these to my must reads.
    Finished "Off The Menu", what a wonderful "love letter" to Charming Suitor. Thank you for sharing the story.

  59. If you and Jen recommend that's good enough for me!! Both books sound great and will go to the top of my "to read" list. I would LOVE to win the books! Thanks for the tip.

  60. These books are on my list to read!
