Yesterday morning I woke up, wandered into the living room to face the day, and was greeted by this scene outside my window...
I find it magical. (despite the fact that the three smaller ones seem less like snowchildren and more like snowlittlepeople)
But their stick arms were akimbo, as if to say "Welcome to this new day!", and they seemed fabulously cheery and it made me smile instantly.
It was unfortunate that yesterday afternoon it began to rain and has continued to do so off an on all day today, and at the moment they have been reduced to sad little gray lumps-formerly-known-as-snowpeople.
So I am glad I was smart enough to take a quick picture.
I hope that you all have enjoyed the holidays of your choice, have eaten and drunk merrily (and safely), have spent time with friends and family and are headed towards the New Year with joy in your hearts.
I love being Jewish at Christmastime. I get all the benefits of the holiday, goodwill towards men and lovely cards and gifties and parties, without any of the pressure to decorate my house or host relatives or go into bankrupcy buying presents for the entire planet. After many years spent travelling at the holidays, spending the day in search of movies and Chinese restaurants in tropical locales, the past few years I have been home, much to my delight.
I play the Wandering Jew, getting myself adopted into other people's traditions and parties, which is enormous fun.
After all, as much as I love a good vaca, I love my friend Doug's annual Fete even more, since I get to see old friends and hear the old stories, and I can try and eat my weight in Christmas ham.
I have the privelege of spending Christmas Eve with Amazing Goddaughter and her family, as well as a gaggle of good friends old and new. There was much frivolity (and a bucket of Swedish Meatballs as big as a bathtub) and a river of bubbly and an absolute bacchanal of gift opening.
Favorite quotes of the evening:
Amazing Goddaughter, upon opening a package containing a stuffed lion: "MOMMY! Santa DID get my message!" followed by a barrage of kisses upon the furry beastie.
The other Wandering Jew in the room, a sci-fi fan, upon being asked if he enjoyed AVATAR: "I think it was the best version of Ferngully I have ever seen."
This made me laugh so hard I almost passed a stone.
Of course, it is only funny if you have seen both AVATAR
, and Ferngully: The Last Rainforest 
Which I have.
If you have as well, you're welcome for the laugh.
Today I got to be with brother-by-choice Officer K and his lovely family for the second year in a row. A wonderful, delicious brunch (MORE HAM!!!!) and much love and laughter. We then repaired to his cousin's house for even more festive visiting with his extended family, and I'm pretty sure if I score one more invite then I am legally one of them! Uncle M even remembered my name, which apparently puts me one step up from the rest of the relations.
I am now cozy back at home, full of good food and happy memories, and deeply grateful for all the extraordinary people in my life.
Which includes all of you who check in to read my words and make lovely comments and recommend me to your pals. Thank you all for being here. It makes my heart smile.
Tomorrow I get to start thinking about New Year's Eve, and dreaming of what the new decade will bring, and making resolutions.
Tonight, I am just basking in the general warmth of the season. Or that may just be the Ham Afterglow. Either way, it has been a lovely couple of days to be me, and I hope it has been a lovely couple of days to be you.
As my mom always says...Merry Everything and Happy Always! To you and yours.
Peace on Earth.
Great post. And you can be a "Wandering Jew" even if you are Christian. My hubs and I are DINKS (no kids) so we also wander from home to home of those with children. It's great because we get to see their joy and wonder, but not their meltdowns and sugar highs! :) Merry and Happy to you, as well!
ReplyDeletePS, Recently read The Spinster Sisters and really loved it. Think it could warrant a sequel.
I am a first time reader of your blog. I began to look at blogs and to read them after recently watching the future award winning movie Julie & Julia.
ReplyDeleteYou're a polymath, wow.
James John Wright
Love this post!
ReplyDeleteI am Jewish by heritage, and Christian by practice. As a "Christmakkuh" Celebrator, I think I need to take more cues from you. I end up hosting and celebrating EVERYTHING and then need my vacation.